Time to be “By His Spirit” People


Last week as I was driving to church and praying, I said (out of my spirit not my mind) to the Lord, “Help us to be By Your Spirit people.” Then later while in service wouldn’t you know my pastor, David Osborne, begins proclaiming and instructing us about being people who live by the Spirit of God. Fast forward a few days, I awaken and I hear in my spirit, “Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit.”

So I ask, “Lord what are you saying to me?” Immediately he responds,

“Always remember that it is Me who is at work in you to bring about My good and what is pleasing to Me. I am trusting and entrusting you with the precious souls of My children so be ever mindful of where you are getting your flow. It has to be By My Spirit and not from psychological or any other worldly training though I will use that to My glory and in the ways I choose. Just know that as you daily and always throughout the day yield to Me, I will be right there at work flowing through you! You do not need to worry about whether you will know what to say or how to flow or even where to go. I am with you to the end. Every step of yours is ordered by Me as you yield, listen, and follow. I know the plans that I have for you… I want you to trust that, to trust Me. This will lessen your stress and allow you to maximize your peace from Me. Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world!”

I wholeheartedly receive this Word of encouragement and admonition from my Father God, our Lord and immediately knew that it was Word for you too, (maybe not the specifics in the call of God) but if you are a child of God and want to fully flow with Him in this End-time season that we are in, I believe that it is for you, too.

Actually, I have been challenged a few times since by the Holy Spirit through some direct encounters and situations in my life causing me to have to relinquish my hold, repent and surrender (again).

As easy as it is to say, it’s tough to do because the reality is that there is some part of you and me that latches on to things, or becomes possessive, territorial, overcompensates or takes on more responsibility for the outcome than we should.

So, when challenged, there is a piece of you and me that has to “go to the wind” of how the Spirit is blowing. Sometimes the wind is slight while other times it is very strong, almost making you fall to the ground.

It actually is that “dying to self” that Luke 9:23 speaks of (Jesus speaking)… die daily. This humanity has to be put off that we can take on and in more of God to allow the Holy Spirt, whom Jesus sent to help us, to do His job.

I challenge you to receive in your spirit the words that the Holy Spirit spoke and let’s do what He says,

• Be a By My Spirit person

• Yield, listen, and follow

• Trust that He really does know the plans He has for you

• Choose to trust Him in all things 

• Maximize the peace that He has given to to you

• Be of good cheer (regardless as to the situations and conditions of the world) know that our God, The Creator of the Universe, The One and Only God who loves us dearly and individually, has really overcome the world!

And, that is my prayer for you, for us, as we cling to our Lord while choosing to be more like Him daily.

©2024 Rosalind Stanley

A song by Kim Walker which is also a prayer if we are sincere about doing things God’s way. https://youtu.be/iTJGfY9OSpc?si=04wgR9O2Gc3o0Uok

One thought on “Time to be “By His Spirit” People

  1. Absolutely!! Thank God for Jesus and the infilling of the Holy Spirit! God bless you, these words are so timely!!! ❤️

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