God is so very awesome!

His word is so on point!

If we seek Him, we will find Him!

The thing is, how or what He reveals is up to Him and for His own purposes.

He is schooling us in His ways and it is up to us to choose to accept and obey! To do what He says! To do things His way!

As He reveals, He is healing us of faulty thinking, beliefs, and thoughts leading us into a renewed mind; the mind of Christ which is so different from this world’s way or the reasoning of humanity.

God created, He knows that His will is good even when to us it us unknown, we must choose to trust Him alone and stay under the umbrella of His keeping for His plans and promises to eventually be shown.

People will see and know that He alone is God when they experience you the people of Almighty God at rest in the middle of your test.

Life is the test and He knows what is best for every creature, every creed and will bring the satisfaction that leads to our rest making us the best we can be because of Him whom we choose to be our Lead. Him who set us free!

So stop and wait and don’t be late, stand still to see His salvation! He will continue to bring you to the God place where your success is sure!

©2023 Rosalind Stanley

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