Thanks to a message from Dr. Jackie McCullogh, my daughter and I had a serious discussion about the word “perish.” Dr. McCullough spoke out of Esther 4:10-17.

I want to focus in on what perishing means. It means to suffer and/or to die. There is a perishing aspect of ministry. Though you may have the passion and joy for the mission, call or assignment that God has given you or the excitement and anticipation of being a Christian, there is a perishing aspect to it.

This is not often discussed or understood. Many people learn it through their personal experience of suffering, though the Bible talks about this. We are often caught off guard because we do not care to accept suffering as a part of our walk as believers in Christ Jesus.

Then when we suffer, it can cause bitterness and resentment, even a falling away from God. Some continue to proclaim their Christianity or walk out their ministry, but in their human strength/ability. Which is a limited version from what God has in store because they are self protecting or unable to get past their pain or woundedness.

In order to be truly committed and truly effective in ministry and as a Christian, the perishing aspect of it must be accepted. As Dr. McCullough mentions in her message, people see results, not the process; the vision, but not the details ; the glamour, but not the hardships. Paul, in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 talks about this.

When trouble beyond our ability to endure comes to us, we must recognize that we cannot (can no longer) rely on ourselves, on coping strategies, defense mechanisms or anything of the flesh/of our humanity, or this world. But, we have to and must, surrender ourselves and our troubles to God – relying completely on Him!

Further, we must grasp that all of our troubles and tribulations are beyond our ability to endure, no matter how insignificant or how intense. That it is Christ in us, the Hope of Glory, who enables us to endure! That in ourselves (our flesh) we have no ability that will bring about good lasting results. That without God, we are nothing!

To accept that in this life we will suffer, is an important concept to learn and understand. Suffering can be a little matter like standing in a long line when you are in a rush, to losing multiple loved ones in a short span of time. Paul says this in 2 Corinthians 1:5:

“For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with His comfort through Christ.” (NLT)

“For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us (new levels, new devils), so our consolation also abounds through Christ.” (NKJV)

“For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ” (NIV)

“We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of His healing comfort – we get a full measure of that, too.” (AMP)

As believers in Christ Jesus, that is, one who has said “yes” to the God way of living, this applies. Every aspect of our lives is shared with our Lord. The truth of the matter of “perishing” / suffering is that all people will experience it to some degree. Suffering and dying, unfortunately, are a part of the human condition, of living in this world.

But, those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, have a different ability and response in their suffering, even in dying (whether it is losing loved ones, or personally dying – naturally or in a spiritual sense). Because of the power that is in Christ, (who now lives in those who have accepted Him), we are able to endure and be comforted through it at the same time!

We also have resolve / consolation whether the resolve is a result, such as an answer that we’d hoped for. And if it is not, whatever the case, the fact that we have Eternal Life, is our total and complete victory!

We have an eternal existence that enables us to handle the challenges of life differently (as clearly stated by Bishop Courtney McBath when speaking about the Joy of The Lord). We can always look to our Heavenly Father and our Heavenly Home as a promise to the end of any suffering that we may encounter here on this earth!

We must remember that our lives go beyond the situations, circumstances and activities of our daily lives. That we have the Hope of Glory residing within us to carry us through our suffering! And, we have the Hope of Glory to look to that goes beyond this earthly place.

We must choose to believe it and release our cares, concerns, and troubles (all equal suffering) to God, because He is in it with us! We just have to let Him take the controls in order that He is able to direct our course in each matter. And we have to grow in knowing, without a doubt, that our God will never leave us helpless! He always makes a way (no matter how long it seems to take) even when the way may not be what you expected.

Choosing to trust God and choosing to acknowledge Him in everything that concerns you, releases Him to direct the course of your day, your family, and your life’s journey. “If I perish, I perish…” Let this be your stand as you carry out your life’s mission, because God is standing right there with you!

(c)2013 Rosalind M. Stanley

There is a Time…

There is “a time to give up” according to the words written by Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:6. Meaning ” to let go of” a particular thought, desire, expectation, relationship, etc. For whatever the reason, an active ingredient in walking by faith is yielding to the seasons and or timing of God. Recognizing this then choosing to yield to it are the “dying to self” activities that tend to hurt and are hard. It requires a growing sensitivity to the voice and nudgings of God.

Whatever is the season or time in each person’s life or each family, church, business, or ministry, God “makes everything beautiful in its time.” This is like Romans 8: 28 where it says, God turns all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”

The thing that I (and we) must reconcile in our hearts is that God’s time is not like our time (2 Peter 3: 8) and His ways and His thoughts are not like ours (Isaiah 55: 8). What we expect and especially the way we expect what we expect to happen, is not always the way God planned it or purposed it. The timing of it may not come about in the time or season we hoped for or the exact way we thought.

But if we are to live our lives in the abundance that God promised in John 10:10, (unfortunately abundance doesn’t necessarily mean without problems) we must choose to believe that whatever God says will eventually come to pass. Not necessarily what we think should happen or what we desire in our human natural way of thinking.

“The rain and the snow come down from the
heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth.
They cause grain to grow, producing seed for the
farmer and bread for the hungry. It is the same
with My word (God speaking). I sent it out and it
always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want
it to, and it will prosper everywhere I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:10-11 (NLT)

How we choose to believe is by allowing God’s word to take effect in our hearts and lives plus renewing our minds to His word (reading it) so that we can have the mind of Christ (Romans 12:2, 1 Corinthians 2:16). And we cannot pick and choose what we think or someone told us is or isn’t God’s word. Everything written in the Bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament was from God as He inspired men that He chose to write it. (Romans 15:4, 2 Timothy 3:16, 17).

When we do this we will live in peace and joy regardless of the events and tragedies that surround us; even when it hurts, even when we are mourning, even when we do not understand. That is because the Kingdom of God consists of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 55:12, Romans 14:17).

It’s a matter of perspective: the carnal/human mindset versus the God-like/spiritual mindset (read Romans 8:5-14). This is no easy task. It takes relationship with God through accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (the easy part) then daily developing that relationship by really getting to know Him.

Making relationship with God our priority leads us to a peace that passes all of our understanding ( Philippians 4:7) and a joy that gives us the strength to endure whatever we are facing (Nehemiah 8:10). This developing relationship with God enables us to live out this life on earth according to His plan for us individually with an eternal perspective instead of thinking that the world and this life on earth is “the best it is gonna get.”

God has a plan greater than our human minds can comprehend! Don’t be afraid to wrestle with God to get to the place He has chosen for you. Just don’t wrestle too long because no one knows the day or the hour for eternal life (versus eternal damnation) to come for you.

In loving memory of my dear and sweet sister and brother:

Dawn Bonita Generals Patterson
(January 28, 1969 – April 24, 2013)

Walter Leonard “Lenny” Caldwell
(September 15, 1961 – April 29, 2013)


Jennifer Caldwell (Niece, Keith’s wife)

Edna Mae Williams (aunt)


